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Gloria Bompadre

Gloria Bompadre

Author biography

I am a full-time working mum by day and I write (or try to) by night. Inspired by the six – or seven – bedtime stories I am asked to read every night, I wrote my first children’s book, My Neighbour is a Werewolf.

My first attempt into fantasy fiction was with my novel, The Ghost of Andrew Neville, released in January 2024. I’m currently writing its sequel, which will hopefully be out in 2025. I spend a lot of time going to children’s parties and driving my girls to activities, sleepovers, playdates, etc. If the book isn’t out in 2025, then this will be why.

My love for fantasy fiction stems from authors such as R.L. Stine, Neil Gaiman and Eva Ibbotson. I read outrageously funny writing and anything that includes ghosts or monsters. Aside from creative writing, and fitting around my girls’ busy social lives, I go to spin classes and I do lots of reading.

I plan to return to Italy one day to spend the days writing and the warm summer nights looking at the moon from my balcony, hoping to spot a werewolf.


Coming soon

Walter Sutton

Walter Sutton