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J.L. Melton

J.L. Melton

Author J.L. Melton


J. L. Melton (born November 18, 1954) is a retired electrician. He worked at a mill not far from his home in Timmonsville, South Carolina, for 32 years. He is 68 years old, married, with two sons, four-step sons, one-step daughter, two granddaughters, and one step-grandson. He attended Hartsville High School in Hartsville, S.C. He has a bachelor’s degree in information technology from the University of Phoenix. In his retirement, J. L. and his wife like fishing, taking vacations, and working around the house. He has just started writing in the last year. To him, writing is like learning a whole new field. You keep working at it and hope to get better.


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The Town Of Outlaws

Derrick Mallow Mysteries

The Demon Of The Lake Murders

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David Musser

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David McGlone