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Nicole Campbell

Nicole Campbell

Author biography

Nicole Campbell writes young adult contemporary fiction and is passionate about telling stories involving all types of relationships. Spending her childhood and adolescence in both a small midwestern town and a large west-coast city, she has always expressed herself in writing. Nicole, along with many other writers, has struggled with anxiety from a young age and used writing as a way to cope. She often creates characters who deal with similar struggles and has made it her mission to reach out to readers who can relate.

For the past thirteen years, Nicole has worked as an English teacher, and it was actually one of her students who encouraged her to write a novel based on a short story she modeled in class. Her students have also served as her drive to write stories for young adults that tell the truth and represent a wide range of experiences. One issue that Nicole considers paramount to her life as a teacher and a writer is writing about relationships that show what real conversations in real situations look like and sound like, or at least what they should (and in some cases should not). These include friendships, parent/teen relationships, and romantic relationships. There is so much fear and stigma and miscommunication in human relationships, and Nicole truly believes that fiction is a way for people to learn about themselves in their own lives- how teens think about themselves and relate to others.

With the endless support of her family and friends, Nicole has completed six young adult novels that touch on everything from first love to abuse to grief and mental illness, and the list of story ideas just keeps growing.

When not writing, Nicole continues to teach some of the most amazing students around, hang out with her uber cool son and husband, and try to keep up with her puppy, Roger. She exists purely on caffeine and sugar on most days, but attempts to do yoga every now and again to balance it all out.


Enough With The Bull

The Tower

Gem City Series

What Comes of Eating Doughnuts With a Boy Who Plays Guitar

What Comes of Breaking Promises and Guitar Strings

How One Attempts to Chase Gravity

When the Time Comes to Light a Fire

Where Gravel Roads Lead Home

Collections & Box Sets

Gem City: The Complete Series

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Laura Diaz De Arce

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C.M. Dancha