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The Good Samaritan (Rob MacLaine Book 2) - Les Haswell

The Good Samaritan (Rob MacLaine Book 2) - Les Haswell

The Good Samaritan - book excerpt

Chapter 1

Sir Andrew Savage, CEO of Savage Guidance Systems (SGS) was a modern, forward thinking manager. He believed in the Steve Jobs management philosophy, “It doesn’t make sense to hire smart people and then tell them what to do; we hire smart people so they can tell us what to do.” On that basis he hired the best people he could find and let them tell him what they could potentially do with Laser Guidance Systems. He listened to their dreams and ambitions, took their advice and made business decisions based on what he heard from his team and what he considered commercially viable.

When his technical team talked at a weekly management meeting about modifying their existing technology used to guide missiles to their targets, giving the potential to guide a “smart bullet” fired from a light drone to its target, he sat up and took notice. He engaged with an innovative UK manufacturer of drones he had previously met on a Department of International Trade sponsored trip to the US. They had agreed that such a product would present a huge opportunity for both companies, if they could interest a suitable ordinance manufacturer in developing a remotely operated device to fire such a “smart bullet.”

Drones were a given, readily available and in constant use for a wide variety of applications, from big boy’s toys to surveillance and mapping. They were even under consideration for delivering parcels by a large internet retailer. An arms manufacturer had already recognised the potential for a drone mounted rifle and had done some early development work following initial feasibility studies. They had continued their development programme after an approach from Sir Andrew, as they had always believed the guidance system for such an application to be the stumbling block to commercialising their product. Eighteen months later, a prototype smart bullet firing drone mounted weapon was ready for demonstration to a small hand-picked audience of potential clients.

Sir Andrew had already spoken to his security consultants, Harper MacLaine Security about providing protection and safe transport for these select few. Now Joe Harper and Rob MacLaine were sitting with him in the conference room in the Savage building in Chiswick, discussing arrangements for the day, allocating operatives to specific roles and getting Sir Andrew’s approval for the arrangements.

“There will be parties of three, from both the ordinance and drone manufacturers. They are going to provide names and other details by Wednesday” Sir Andrew explained.

“Kasia, can you coordinate that, make sure they are forthcoming with the information by the due date,” he added, looking at the small, attractive, dark haired young woman to his right.

Kasia was a recent addition at SGS, replacing Sir Andrew’s niece, Justine, who had left to join Rob MacLaine in running the highland estate Rob had taken over after the death of his brother. She and Rob were recently married, which delighted Sir Andrew as he had come to regard Rob as a good friend since they had met when Rob left the military four years earlier and with Joe Harper, had set up Harper MacLaine Security. Rob and Joe had been with Sir Andrew’s son Chris when he had been killed in Iraq and Rob had become almost a surrogate son in his eyes, one of the few people allowed to refer to him as Andy, albeit, no one would ever replace Chris in his affection. At six foot four, powerfully built, with blond hair and piercing light blue eyes, Rob MacLaine, didn’t resemble Chris physically, but shared the same determined nature and droll sense of humour. Nor did Chris have the prominent white scar which ran diagonally across Rob’s right cheek. Joe Harper resembled Chris more closely physically, five foot ten inches, wiry, dark complexion, very like Sir Andrew himself. Rob had the physical presence that Chris had had, the charisma, the charm, which was why in most instances Rob took the customer facing role at Harper MacLaine, the salesman, the networker, the relationship builder. Joe was the sensible, pragmatic man in the background, who managed the business on a day to day basis, who made the business work from a practical point of view and allocated human resources to clients dependant on their needs.

“There will be a junior minister from Defence there on the day and someone from QinetiQ. We need to find out his travel arrangements, but the minister will have his own transport and close protection officer from the Met with him,” Kasia pointed out in an easily detectable Eastern European accent.

Rob raised his pen and interrupted, “That’s fine but we take over all security at the gate Kasia, make sure everyone knows that, I don’t want any discussion about that on the day. I know what some of these Westminster security people can be like”.

Kasia looked at Sir Andrew for approval.

“Agreed,” Sir Andrew nodded. “Now that brings us neatly to potentially the biggest problem of the day, the Americans.” They were adamant that their people override all other security arrangements. They are providing their own transport from and to their airbase and will have a full complement of security personnel who would operate separately from all other security arrangements. They also confirmed that their security would be armed.”

“I spoke to the MoD about this, it’s their range we are using and they went ballistic. They said no personnel will be allowed on MoD land with unlicensed weapons, full stop, no argument. I put this to the Americans and they said they would take it up with MoD, which they have done and they have been told, categorically, no unauthorised, armed security people will be allowed on site, end of!”

“That won’t please them,” Joe chipped in with a wry smile.

“Will your guys be armed, Joe?”

“Yeah, side arms. We’ve cleared it with MoD and police in the usual fashion. Filled in a mountain of paperwork, presented CVs and permits and photographs and inside leg measurements,” Joe replied theatrically.

“What’s the agenda for the day Andy?” Rob asked

“Well, after the greetings and niceties we are going to have a recognised sniper take pot-shots at a target with a normal rifle and ammo, then repeat that with a handheld rifle and a smart bullet, but at a much increased range, basically to prove the smart bullet. Then we move on to the drone mounted weapon, show them what it can do, even let some of them fire the thing, just to prove how poor a shot can still hit a target. Then a few drinkies and nibbles and off home,” Sir Andrew explained.

“We need to find a good sniper, Rob. MoD said they could find us one but apparently that has been vetoed by the powers that be at the last minute. Left us a bit in the lurch,” Sir Andrew added with a frown

“I know a guy who might be able to help you” Rob said brightly “And he is undoubtedly one of the best snipers the modern army ever had. You met him at my wedding, six foot seven inch, two hundred and sixty pounds of gentle giant called Iain MacDonald. Better known as Big Mac.”

“I remember him, we talked a bit. He said he ran an outdoor activity centre on Arran. Didn’t say he was a sniper though, that’s interesting.”

“Well, like me, he’s been places and done things that he didn’t do, ‘cause he was never there,” Rob explained to Sir Andrew’s amusement and Kasia’s bewilderment. Joe nodded.

“He gave me his card, tried to get me interested in sending some of our people on one of his courses. Women would love it but it would frighten the hell out of my male technical wizards. Yomping around muddy highland hillsides getting midge bites and sprigs of heather stuck up their arses, God no, they would freak!” Sir Andrew laughed, Kasia frowned at him. “Sorry Kasia, bottoms.”

“Give him a call then, I’m sure he would love to get involved. Give him a chance to show off, great Scottish child that he is,” Rob suggested

“Eh, excuse me, my son is Scottish,” Joe interjected

“So am I!” Rob protested

“Oh yeah,” Joe shrugged and they all laughed.

They discussed a few more of the details for the demo day and allocated people and deadlines to all outstanding tasks, thus drawing the meeting to a close.

“I’ll stick you through a final costings for the day, Andy,” Joe ventured as they walked back to the lifts. “Rob said not to include his time as he is there as an invited guest, but for ease of access on the day, I will include him on the Harper MacLaine list for site security, if that’s OK.”

“That’s very good of you Rob,” Sir Andrew replied.

Assassin's Promise (The Severed Empire Book 4) - Phillip Tomasso

Assassin's Promise (The Severed Empire Book 4) - Phillip Tomasso

The Savagers of Cutthroat Canyon (Silver Vein Chronicles Book 2) - Clay Houston Shivers

The Savagers of Cutthroat Canyon (Silver Vein Chronicles Book 2) - Clay Houston Shivers