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Aaron M. Fleming

Aaron M. Fleming

Author Aaron M. Fleming



Aaron M. Fleming has wanted to be a novelist since his childhood hero, Snoopy from the Peanuts comic strip, pounded out “It was a dark and stormy night…” on his doghouse-top typewriter. A product of a patchwork education, including home, public, and private school, he’s been enthralled by the complementary fields of fantasy and history ever since he figured out his mom would let him neglect math homework to read about knights and castles.

On one hand a quintessential Midwesterner, Aaron is meticulously nice and polite, loves prairie landscapes and pork-rib-on-a-stick, and is an enthusiastic fan of the Iowa Hawkeye football team. On the other hand, childhood experiences in France and Congo and later travels in Central America have given him a cosmopolitan outlook and a love for exotic food and fiery habanero sauce.

A college dropout, Aaron has worked a long series of jobs ranging from waiting tables to filling vending machines; finishing woodwork to driving a furniture delivery truck; working as an orderly on the crisis unit of a mental health facility to coaching middle school track and field; and finally finding his calling as the pastor of a small rural church where he hones his story-telling craft in weekly sermons and meets with parishoners to brew beer and talk about life and spirituality.

Aaron met Melissa, his wife, on their high school cross country team. It was love at (almost) first sight for Melissa, but Aaron can be dense when it comes to love, so it took him awhile longer. They became friends, then best friends, and married young. Twenty-three years and four kids later they’re still best friends; they live in Wellman, Iowa, with two school-age daughters; an older son and daughter are in college. Aaron has surrendered to popular family demand and conceded to the adoption of not one but two stray cats, with whom he lives in an uneasy state of feigned apathy masking mutual suspicion.

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