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C.F. Rabbiosi

C.F. Rabbiosi

Author C.F. Rabbiosi


Charity used to be a Registered Nurse in California, and though she doesn't use her two degrees in the field anymore, they have helped her with her real passion- writing. She happily writes the day away using her in depth Anatomy, Physiology and Psych background to make her death scenes more real and her killers more... colorful. But it's not all about the blood, because more than anything she loves hot romance. Her heroine is kick-ass and her men are all the dangerous and gorgeous beasts you love to hate.

Her style is beautifully gruesome and inspired by Interview With The Vampire, Buffy, and True Blood. She lives in the beautiful university city of Columbia, MO with her incredible husband and three girls, and loves yoga almost as much as living and writing in her own fantasy world.


Fallen Lover

Kassien And Calypso’s Song Series



Heart Of Darkness Series

A Serial Killer’s Desire

A Serial Killer’s Obsession

Serial Killer’s Conquest

Loved By A Killer Series

Loved By A Killer

​Loved By The First

David N. Pauly

David N. Pauly

Tom Raimbault

Tom Raimbault