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Jack D. McLean

Jack D. McLean

Author Jack D. McLean


The mysterious Jack D McLean hails from the town of Huddersfield, in West Yorkshire, England. He's a man with a checkered past, having worked in a morgue, been a labourer, and a salesman. He has dug holes... professionally (to what end, he refuses to say). Even more terrifyingly, he's a former lawyer.

He enjoys parties and keeps himself fit (the kind of fit that makes you think he may engage in fisticuffs with Vinnie Jones on a semi-regular basis, or possibly drink stout with both hands while also throwing a perfect game of darts.) 

He is allegedly married with two adult daughters. They have yet to be located for comment.


Confessions Of An English Psychopath

Manchester Vice

Zomtastic Series

Celebrity Chef Zombie Apocalypse



A.J. Griffiths-Jones

A.J. Griffiths-Jones

Linda A. Meredith

Linda A. Meredith