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Billie Langford

Billie Langford

Author Billie Langford


Billie Langford is a former Iowan enjoying life in small town Oklahoma with her husband and two daughters. She is currently exploring a career in copywriting while juggling work and writing her work in progress, Erynn.

After graduating from Iowa State University, Billie never thought she would write anything more than an e-mail or a grocery list. Then, in 2009, a story popped into her head, demanding to be written. The next few years she spent late nights and early mornings working on the story that would eventually be named Iris.

Billie has always been a passionate reader. Loving many genres leads her imagination down many paths. Iris is a paranormal romance, but she has several ideas stretching from Sci-Fi to fantasy and thrillers.

While work demands limit her time, she manages to steal way a few pages here and there. Writing is her passion, and is striving to carve out a living doing what she loves.

Interviews & media


Lucinda Lamont

Lucinda Lamont

Sally A. Laughlin

Sally A. Laughlin