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C.G. Chaconas

Author biography

Greetings, I’m Chris Chaconas, an American author of historical fantasy who resides in Niigata, Japan. I grew up in the bustling city of Washington D.C., but I fell in love with the serene beauty of Japan 15 years ago while attending Temple University Japan and have lived there ever since. I own and operate Zippy’s English, a cozy English school in the sleepy town of Niitsu, Japan.

I have a fervent interest in writing stories that explore the ancient past, especially the times before the dawn of civilization. My first novel, “IN THE LAND OF NI”, is a historical fantasy adventure that blends my Greek ancestry and the name of the town I currently live in.

When I’m not writing, I indulge in cooking, traveling, and sports. I’m a proficient swimmer and an unskilled martial artist who has learned various Japanese disciplines. I share my life with my wonderful wife Yoko and our adorable Shiba Inu dog Hime. Writing a book has been a lifelong aspiration of mine, and I’m delighted to present it to you.


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