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Gary Beene

Gary Beene

Author biography

Gary Beene grew up on a farm south of Las Cruces, New Mexico. He attended New Mexico State University majoring in the 440 yard dash and the mile relay. Some years later, after his knees gave out, he earned a Master of Science degree from the University of Arizona.

Gary is a person with a disability and spent 30 years working for and with people with disabilities. During the course of his career he served as New Mexico’s State Director of Special Education and the State Director of the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation.

Adding his voice to the chorus for kindness, Gary authored The Seeds We Sow: A Story of the Greatest Kindness (2010 & 2016). He says, “I was one of those poor saps who had to do a lot of personal work before understanding that only the merest quarter-turn of the heart separates us from life's abundance.”

Gary has also written God’s Avatars: The Betrayal of Belief (2014) and The Armenian Genocide: A Brief History (2021).

Alien Genesis is his first novel.

Author Interview

What inspired you to start writing?

Oh my! My memory does not work that well. I have wanted to write since I was a child. Life's intervening events drove me in a different direction.

I had many opportunities to write throughout my career, but most of that was technical, research, and report writing.

I did retire rather young because a book in my head begged I did.

Who are some of your favorite authors and books?

There are so many great writers and even more great books.

Far Pavilions by M.M. Kaye

Mists of Avalon by Marion Z. Bradley

Almost everything Ken Follett writes

The Black Rose by Thomas Costain

Lucifer's Hammer by Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle

The Talisman by Stephen King

As I look at the books in our library I wonder where I could possibly stop with this list.

What would you like to tell readers who have just discovered your books, but haven't read one yet?

The nonfiction and fiction books are DIFFERENT! The subject matter, writing style and intent vary dramatically.

If you haven't read Alien Genesis yet, try'll like it.

Who is the favorite character you created, and how did they come into being?

Interesting my favorite character is one of the minor characters in Alien Genesis. I suppose as the author I am like all of the other characters in the book. "Everyone loves Alicia."

What are your future plans as a writer?

I am currently writing the second book in the Eden's Angels series. It is more of a spin-off than a sequel. I am planning to finish it by the end of 2022.

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