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J. Monroe Adams

J. Monroe Adams

Author biography

J. Monroe Adams grew up in southern California. After graduating from high school he enrolled in classes at a local university, yet was unsure of what he wanted to do professionally. While taking a full course load, Adams worked as a bookseller at an independent bookstore, and as a gallery attendant at an art museum. Being immersed in literature and surrounded by paintings profoundly influenced his worldview, and stoked his desire to create. Adams eventually completed his higher education at a university in northern California, earning a bachelor of arts degree in journalism (with an emphasis in news writing and photojournalism).

After a trip to southeastern Africa, Adams moved New York in 2007 and worked as a general assignment freelance photojournalist. In late in 2011, he moved to southeast Asia (without ever having been on the continent) and managed to hustle commercial and documentary assignments while learning about the people and politics of the region.

For the Love of Champagne is Adams's debut novel. He is currently working on several projects.


For The Love Of Champagne

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John P. Warren

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Gloria Bompadre