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Jessica Page

Jessica Page

Author Jessica Page


Jessica Page has always been an imaginative person (as well as admittedly, a little neurotic) who loves getting lost in a good story in various genres, particularly romance. She's been creating stories for a long time, but it wasn't until 2012 when she finally sat down long enough to completely finish her first novel. For some reason, she has no problem coming up with stories and loves creating characters, but her attention span can cause a bit of a challenge when it comes to finishing a novel (although a glass –or two– of wine and/or cup of tea does help).
She currently writes adult romance in the contemporary, suspense and paranormal genres, but hopes to one day write a young adult novel (but for now there's only so much time in a day!). As such, for now, between fitting in her day job, her family (both human and fur babies), and her friends, she makes time whenever she can to fulfill her desire to get words down on a page.
Jessica's main hope as an author is that her stories will entertain you, make you smile, laugh, captivate or at the very least, give you a bit of a distraction from the often hectic realities of life.


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