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Mark Slade

Mark Slade

Author Mark Slade


I have appeared in Switchblade magazine #7 and 9, Econoclash Review #4, Weirdbook #32, Mystery Tribune, and other publications. I am the author of A Witch for Hire, Mr. Zero for Close to the Bone publishers, and Blackout City Confidential for Horrified Press. I am working on a book of interviews with Joe R. Lansdale with fellow writer Andrew J. Rausch. I also write and produce the audiodrama Blood Noir for Para-X radio and Daniel Dread for Chronosphere Fiction. I live in Williamsburg, VA with my wife and daughter.

In The Blog

Best Hard-Boiled Detective Novels


Strange Corridors


The Odarko Series

Long Gone Dead

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C.J. Pyrah

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Lori Beasley Bradley