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Matthew W. Harrill

Matthew W. Harrill

Author Matthew W. Harrill


Horror Author Matthew W Harrill was born in Bristol in May 1976, during what was referred to in the United Kingdom as ‘that long hot summer’. Growing up in the town of Yate, he lived with his parents, sister and numerous pets, attending ‘The Ridge Junior School’.

At age 11, he was lucky enough to gain a place at Bristol Grammar School, a respected establishment in the city for over 450 years. Following the conclusion of his schooling, and picking up A-levels in Biology, Geography and Economics, he attended the University of Southampton where he received a 2:1 Honours Degree in Geology following three years study.

Matt has had various jobs over the years. Barkeep, labourer, cleaner, commercial motor insurer. The jobs that have become most important were the simple shop floor assistant at Tesco, since it is where he met his partner of 20 years (and wife of 11) Tricia, and the current job at Xerox where he has been implementing stock option and share plans for over a decade. The latter has allowed the bills to be paid so that he can write.

The writing began with a short story in 1999 that expanded continuously until it took on a life of its own and became ‘The Focus Stone’, book 1 of an Epic Fantasy series entitled ‘The Tome of Law’. A second book, ‘The Path of Dreams’ was completed and released, and then for various reasons, came a break in writing with the third installment ‘The Pages of Consequence’ only half finished (and set to remain so unless his publisher REALLY pesters him).


The Eyes Have No Soul


The Tome Of Law Series

The Focus Stone

The Path Of Dreams

The Arc Chronicles Series




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