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Michael DeVault

Michael DeVault

Author Michael DeVault


Michael DeVault was born in Mississippi and grew up in Louisiana and Arkansas, which gave him a strong grounding in the rich musical and literary traditions of the South. He worked as a journalist for more than twelve years, covering politics and the arts for local and regional publications while he also worked on his novels. A two-time finalist for the Pirate's Alley Faulkner Society Gold Medal (Novel-in-Progress, 2002, Anything But Ordinary; Novella, 2008, The Patriot Joe Morton), Michael's fiction draws on his youth to weave tapestries of intensely believable characters, finely honed plots, and imagery and symbolism inspired by the great southern writers, all wrapped into a package by clean, sharp prose. Michael received an MFA in Creative Writing from Lindenwood University in 2013, and when he's not writing, he teaches college writing and English.

Interviews & media

Michael DeVault's website


The Patriot Joe Morton

Anything But Ordinary

Patrick Dent

Patrick Dent

John Reinhard Dizon

John Reinhard Dizon