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Paul Spencer Alexander

Paul Spencer Alexander

Author biography

Paul Spencer Alexander is an international award-winning singer, songwriter, and short filmmaker of pop and rock influenced, visual storytelling. Two of his music films have screened at AMC Movie Theaters. He has over twenty years of experience in writing, music production, performing arts, education, research, and counseling. Paul began writing songs and music by ear at the age of five. After winning a first place music video performance contest featured in the Village Voice in New York City, Paul auditioned for the IMTA, Los Angeles, taking home a first place prize in team singing, as well as two additional awards for competition excellence in singing and on-camera work. His winnings represented the New York City division of the global competition. He has guest taught a variety of academic subjects in public schools, counseled at-risk youth at residential facilities, and created an online music-marketing based resource for artists most in need of knowledge to succeed. Paul is a graduate of the University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL.


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