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Ralph Zieff

Ralph Zieff

Author Ralph Zieff


Ralph Zieff is a retired mental health professional with 48 years of practice behind him, and now living in a Maine retirement community. He began writing in his mid-seventies with "Reaching For The Stars", an autobiographical account of his many years as an autograph seeker. His second book is "Chasing Darkness", a thriller novel about "love and evil". He is currently writing a book about racism in America, and plans to follow it with a novel about severe spousal abuse.

He is the father of three (all with health care professions) and seven grandchildren ranging in age from eight to eighteen, He attended Harvard in the Timothy Leary and Baba Ram Das years, which helped shape him into the free-thinking and slightly idiosyncratic person he is today. His great loves these days, besides writing and eating, are the Boston Red Sox, hard bop jazz, reggae, and Broadway musicals.



Willard Notch

Petteri Hannila

Petteri Hannila