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Ruth Danes

Ruth Danes


Author biography

Ruth Danes has enjoyed both history and fiction since her childhood, and she has lived in four different countries. These interests and experiences inspired her to write the Life on Another Island series, which is set in a world where many characters unexpectedly start new lives in foreign, sometimes seemingly hostile, lands.

Ruth has also written a thriller, The Flower and the Wolf. All five books are published by Rogue Phoenix Press.

Her latest work is a new alternate history series called The Chronicles of the Westlands and the Woldsheart, which will be published by Next Chapter. The series opens with The Deadly Favour and the second book is Another Green and Pleasant Land. Ruth has plans for a third book in the series.

Ruth Danes lives in the heart of England. When she is not busy with her imaginary friends, she likes to dance, travel and walk in the countryside with good companions.

In The Blog

Best Romantic Fantasy Books


England’s Best Export

The Woldsheart Chronicles

The Deadly Favour

Another Green And Pleasant Land

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