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Sharon Davey

Sharon Davey

Author Sharon Davey


Sharon Davey has made a significant contribution to the Careers Counselling and Education sector in Australia. During her 30+ years’ experience as a Careers Counsellor and Coach she has brought her warmth and earthy humour to assisting thousands of people, of all ages, find their direction and purpose in life.

Sharon has held senior roles in the careers education sector including a state-wide position with the Victorian Education Department and is a past President of the Careers Education Association of Victoria. She has worked in schools, universities and in the community sector, always providing a sensible yet visionary approach to her roles.

Sharon first book was entitled Awesome Careers for Gen Ys. Her second book, Land that Job: moving forward after Covid-19, provided many people with helpful advice for job seekers of all ages.

She also loves gardens, travel, good coffee and excellent red wine – not necessarily in that order.


Land That Job - Moving Forward After Covid-19

Elizabeth Woodrum

Benedict Stuart