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Shawn Wayne Langhans

Shawn Wayne Langhans

Author Shawn Wayne Langhans - Portland, Oregon



Shawn Wayne Langhans is a strange little man with colorful hair and silly tattoos who opted out of the usual nine to five to pursue a full-time career of attempting to tell some funny stories for your reading pleasure. He was born and raised somewhere near the Illinois/Wisconsin border where he had fled from in 2008 for southern California. After a failed career in the movie film industry, Shawn relocated once more to Portland, Oregon where he found his forever home in the form of various rundown punk houses and communal living situations. He currently lives with his life partner and their cat on the edge of a town now overrun with condominiums and gray high-rise monstrosities. He aspires for great things, and he hopes that you do the same. His novels include Interviews with the Temporally Displaced, Mother’s Secret Stomach, and Newborn Pink.


Midland Tales Series

Newborn Pink

James Palfi

Michael Botur

Michael Botur