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Sonador Snow

Sonador Snow

Author Sonador Snow


For many years Sonador Snow preferred to roam around our beautiful planet, backpacking being always his first choice to find adventures, but ironically he didn’t start writing stories until life caught up with him and he started leading a settled life in a small house with an ordinary garden, dog, many other pets and a companion that was/is/and will forever be the rock of his world.

Sonador loved visiting all kinds of places without using the conventional ‘escorted tours’ offered by the tourist agents. In his opinion such type of holidays hardly allow people to really see where they are, and for many years Sonador kept finding adventures and unique places on his own. His natural interest in nature, history, archeology and science made pretty much every place he visited exciting and fascinating. One day, he vividly remembers it was somewhere on the hills above Santiago de Compostela, he caught himself reading the umpteenth novel under the shade of a walnut tree on a hot summer day when a thought crossed his mind that if it was him, he would have written a different ending. This was when the grain in his mind of becoming a writer started growing.

The hunger for knowledge had him reading a countless number of books and encyclopedias since he was a small boy, and the fascinating habit of imagining stories behind people’s faces that he practiced since his student’s years were very helpful when he started taking his first steps in the exciting world of writing. Sonador still has the habit of sitting down on a bench on a busy city street, just looking around at the expressions of the people rushing around. He makes stories about what just happened to them or where they are heading to with ease, and in his opinion this is a great way for everyone wanting to become a fiction writer to check if they have the imagination needed. Somehow, this provided plenty of characters for his novels and with lots of stories about places and dubious historical facts in his head already, the two main ingredients to start writing were there. Even today, when he can’t focus on writing or struggles with his story, he simply goes somewhere and watches the people around him inventing stories about their lives, troubles, challenges and happy moments, and this helps him to get back to his work quickly.

Sonador is also very fortunate that life and his strange way of travelling from his early years brought him together with people from all layers of society and very quickly he realized that everyone has a dramatic and fascinating story to tell. After he finally settled in life, writing came naturally, and the fact that since his early years he grew up being read books by his mother, or reading himself, made the whole process very exciting and much more.

Writing helped Sonador through many difficult times; everyone faces such periods in the rollercoaster called life, and he is 100% sure that no matter who thinks what about his works, he is happy that he wrote them as they helped him grow into a better person and helped him get back up, and continue forward after several storms had him pinned to the ground over the years.

Enjoying the simple joys of living is important for Sonador, and he can often be seen sitting in his back garden with a glass of red wine and a board of cheese and grapes. Witnesses state that this is how he enjoys life these days, but the truth is that he enjoys life most when he closes himself in the dark room with a ridiculously huge mug of dark coffee and starts scribbling words on sheets of paper. The other way of relaxation and mind-searching he is known to practice is sitting hypnotized in front of one of the five aquariums in his house.

The backpacking years are hopefully not behind him either and with a big adventure planned for the summer of 2016 and another for the next winter, Sonador is likely to have many more stories to tell in the near future and he sincerely hopes that there will be someone wanting to read them.

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