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Steven Neil Moore

Steven Neil Moore

Author Steven Neil Moore


Steven Neil Moore is the Amazon bestselling author of the Joshua Chronicles; an epic series about an age-old conflict and a young man caught in the middle. The first two books in the nine-part series Glorious Incorporated and Theft: Chaos Rising set the stage for the boy who will become a leader, and change the face of the world forever.

Steven’s passion for character details and their expressive conflict highlight each story thread and gets the reader hooked into cheering for the good guy while hating the bad. He is continuing on with the next part of the series Plan: Chaos Rising while also developing a standalone romance, Echo’s of Ella.  He lives on the East Coast of the United States with his wife and three sons.

Interviews & media

Steven Neil Moore's website

​Interview on XLibris


The Joshua Chronicles Series

Glorious Incorporated

Plan: Chaos Rising

Margaret Millmore

Margaret Millmore

Cynthia A. Morgan

Cynthia A. Morgan