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Susan Knapp

Susan Knapp

Author Susan Knapp


Australian born and raised, Susan spent thirty years of her adult life living and working in Africa, Asia and The Middle East. She adopted two children as babies from Kenya and gave birth twice, as an 'older' mother while living in the Middle East.Through her experiences Susan has really lived. She has survived being held hostage in a bank in Kenya, a train overturning in Thailand and being held under country arrest in Qatar for a crime that wasn't really a crime. This experience culminated in her putting her three children the youngest of whom was only 5, on a one way ticket back to Australia. She didn't live with them again for three years. Having married two African men, Susan has experienced, love, lust, betrayal, abandonment and injustice. She and her children have not fallen victim of any of these life experiences. Instead they hold a lot of gratitude and an understanding of the fact that these were all experiences that have brought them to where they are now. In 2019 they went to Kenya and built two schools in resource poor communities. They now run educational programs in Kenya which are funded on a social enterprise model run by her children now aged 7, 11,17, 24. Susan knew the most important gift to give her children was a healed mother who could provide a peaceful life of purpose for herself, her children and children all over the world.


Nothing Is Too Big

Paul D. Brazill

Paul D. Brazill

Lance Kerrigan

Lance Kerrigan