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Knee Deep In A Sea Breeze

Knee Deep In A Sea Breeze

Book excerpt

How easy is it to break free of our shackles and reinvent ourselves? 

Laila Sholtz-Ames spent her youth in Maine, only to find that she never really belonged there. After doing some travels with her parents in Egypt, she decided to break free of the small town chains and really discover the world. In her biography, Laila gives us unique insight on what it means to grow up as an adopted African American in Maine - the whitest state in the United States. A vegan from childhood, Laila never fit to the traditional norms and conservatism of her home city. Through studies in Spain, work in China and travels in deep Africa and Ecuador, Laila finds new perspective to life and the world we live in. 

Laila's story is an inspirational account of personal growth and of fulfilling one's potential. If you like biographies and travel stories, you'll love this uplifting, true story. 

Begin reading Knee Deep in a Sea Breeze today!

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