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Moon X

Moon X

Book summary

A second moon appears in Earth's sky, bringing terror and mystery. Agent Rick Sanchez, his girlfriend Sandra, and their colleague Mark Northington embark on a journey to Moon X to uncover its origins and save humanity from the existential threat it poses. Are they ready for the sacrifices ahead?

Excerpt from Moon X

Rivers Town, New Hampshire, was your average North American sleepy small town. It got its name from the two rivers that meet into a third one. Nothing outrageous ever happened here until today when there were a small number of people going about their daily lives, particularly a young couple named James and Nadia. They shared a kiss when Nadia saw, in the corner of her eye, a strange-looking man lying on the sidewalk. He was wearing a white garment, aged twenties/early thirties, and his expressionless face scared her somewhat. This man got up and tried to begin walking down Main Street slowly. He soon fell to the ground helplessly and tried to stand up to no avail. Nadia gestured to her boyfriend to go over to him to help. Others gathered around him too. Each was alerted, wondering where this strange young man came from. Nadia turned to James, “Is he alive?” she asked with sincere empathy toward the stranger.

“Call a doctor! Now!” James replied.

Nadia took out her cell phone and began dialling for help. “Operator! A man needs urgent attention! We need an ambulance straight away! Main Street! Now!”

The stranger didn’t appear to be responding to James’s attempts to revive him. “He doesn’t seem to be coming around. Does anybody know him?”

“I’ve never seen him before today,” an old woman replied.

Nadia noticed something written on the right-hand side of his garment. She quickly turned to James, “I think there’s something printed here. It’s in English. I think his name is Seth.”

James began to slap Seth lightly on each side of his face. “Help is coming. The paramedics are on their way.”

More of Rivers Town’s folk converged around the vicinity. James grabbed Nadia’s hand to interrupt her consternating concern. “Get someone to get me towels and water.”

He noticed a rash on Seth’s leg that wasn’t present earlier. “What has happened to him? Where did he come from?”

“He’s sure not from around here,” replied Nadia, a little scared.

The welcoming sound of an ambulance siren could be heard, much to the relief of everybody present, Nadia in particular. “Oh, thank God.”

The other onlookers began to move out of the way to allow the paramedics to do their work. They placed Seth, who was now subdued, on a trolley and soon brought him off to hospital.

This ominous event gripped this town, and little did any of its population know at this point that something really significant was about to happen soon. Certain people in Rivers Town would play an important role in trying to come to terms with a global quandary that would affect every man, woman, and child.

Just another day as our solemn and pale moon orbited planet Earth as usual, with man-made satellites carrying out their automated functions and the sun basking the world with its warm sunshine. All these celestial bodies, if sentient, would be oblivious to the chaos, war, and poverty taking place below the clouds.

This fraction of a moment in a seemingly serene state of cosmic bliss was about to face a contradiction, though. A distortion in space, about three-quarters the distance between the moon and Earth, erupted. At the boundaries of time, space, and the realm outside these, a new, second moon emerged. It differed from its sister, our moon, far from being innocuous. It appeared vengeful and dark, as if a cataclysmic event had just taken place, and was twice the size of our moon. Its now charcoaled terrain and atmosphere were destroyed.

In New York City, cars crashed. People heard the raucous, thunderous eruption in the sky and looked up with senses of marvel, panic, and fear to witness this new moon emerging from nothingness as it cradled in the blue sky. This scene was repeated worldwide as governments declared martial law, and the world’s population pondered if this event marked the end of everything as they once knew it. The United States Army arrived on streets across the nation to quell protesters and looters. Christian religious leaders saw it as a harbinger of the second coming of Christ, while other faiths viewed it along similar lines. The media dubbed this second moon as Moon X.

In New York City, Rick Sanchez was just staring up at the sky, inebriated. He had drunk so much that afternoon that he thought he was imagining things when he saw the second moon in the sky. His police car opened, and a scantily dressed hooker got inside and sat in the passenger’s seat. “Rick, are you gonna tie me up in those handcuffs again?”

“Wait, I think my mind’s giving in. I’m seeing a second moon in the goddamn sky!”

“Trust me, baby, it’s not your head giving in. It’s really there!”

“I’ve got to get sober. Another time, eh, Candy?”

“Okay, but just remember you owe me for this call out!”

Candy got out of the police car, slamming the door shut quite angrily. Rick’s phone rang.

“Sanchez, we want you back. Report to me in DC ASAP!”

“Hayes?” Rick said to himself. “Just what in the hell’s going on?”

One day later, Rick Sanchez was sober and back at his post. Hayes had called him to attend a high-level meeting with the Secretary of Defense, Robert Spence. He made his way to Section-S HQ, where Hayes gave a briefing to Spence. Rick entered the briefing room to find Hayes, two men, and a woman he hadn’t seen before. They were Spence’s people. He sat down, and they waited, clearing their throats in succession. Minutes later, the doors opened, and the Secretary of Defense entered. Spence, sharply dressed in a suit and carrying his briefcase, gestured for them to sit back down rather aggressively. He didn’t respond well to formalities, something he had in common with Hayes. The first man greeted the Secretary, and Spence asked, “Did this moon come from another dimension or alternate reality, or did the entire body come from deep in the past or the distant future?”

“No. We strongly believe it’s a small planet, a planetoid. Judging by the energy released to conceal it, it must have been cloaked for centuries,” the second man replied.

“You’re telling me that this ‘planetoid’ has always been here?”

“Yes. Its gravitational pull and magnetic energy had no effect on the Earth’s oceans. They were camouflaged too.”

“Why now? Is there a threat of an alien invasion?”

The woman interjected, “They may be dying and wish to seek our help.”

Spence became deeply concerned. “Look, Kimberly, I don’t like this one bit. The President is going to keep the state of martial law in effect.”

“You’re the Secretary of Defense, what do you think?” she asked.

“I don’t believe in little green men, and I’m not going to allow anything heinous to happen to our world. I want everything that was analysed by Section-S on extraterrestrial matters. Who is in charge now?”

Hayes nodded. “I am, sir. I was a former NYPD Commissioner. My name is Brian Hayes, and I was recently appointed in charge of Section-S.”

Hayes was about to introduce Rick to Spence when Kimberly interjected once again, “Sir, Section-S doesn’t have the funding or expertise to find out what’s going on here. You said yourself that you don’t believe in ‘little green men’.”

“So, you’re saying I’m the reason why it is inept?” Spence replied.

She became mortified, “Not quite, sir. It’s just smoke and mirrors.”

“Alright, alright! I’ll give them whatever resources they need. In the meantime, let’s keep the population under control. Hayes, I want you to find out what’s going on up there?!”

He got up and left. Hayes and Rick stood up. The two men and woman didn’t utter a word. They got up too and left. Hayes turned to Rick. “Just our luck! I thought this was gonna be an easy ride, and then another damned moon appears in the sky, and now we are the ones entrusted by the Secretary of Defense to find out how and where it came from?”

“I’m sure we’ll find out soon enough.”

“Of course.”

The Washington Monument obelisk stood true and noble, set against the now placid, dusky sky. In the affluent suburbs, reeking of opulence and social stature, was the apartment of Sandra Haynes. The lights were dimmed, and they were having a romantic evening dinner with red wine in their home. She was Rick’s exclusive call girl, although he didn’t truly believe that was the case. Now that he was back in Washington, D.C., he could visit her more often.

Rick had met her about five years ago, about a year after he lost his wife to leukaemia. Their instant attraction and suitable compatibility became evident; in other words, they became besotted with each other, and it was sure true love their “relationship” was built upon. “How many times have you tried now to book us into that Creole restaurant downtown, and they’re always booked up?”

Rick smiled. He knew she wasn’t digging at him in a nagging way, but sort of commencing flirtation. “Isn’t this much better? I told you that I can cook.”

“A master of many trades, Agent Rick Sanchez. Just what exactly is Section-S?”

“The FBI’s Special branch for the paranormal, UFO sightings, not to mention supposed alien abductions!” Sounds like the reject cases to me.”

“That’s what I get for asking you a stupid question – I forgot your work is classified. Another glass of wine?”

Rick nodded, and Sandra stood up, poured him another glass, and moved amorously over to him. She stroked his strong arms and shaven head as they embraced and kissed. He rubbed his fingers along her straight brown hair. They both became aroused by each other’s fondlings.

Sandra pulled Rick gently towards their bedroom, and she removed her clothing, as did he. They kissed passionately. A few minutes later, they were being intimate in the biblical sense and were writhing in pleasure when a tiny sphere of light appeared out of nowhere near the bed. The couple was much too busy enjoying each other to notice. This tiny sphere of light penetrated Sandra’s stomach. She flinched with minor discomfort. Rick had his eyes closed, not noticing anything strange. They continued.

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