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Secret of Black Rock Mountain (Marie Bartek & The SIPS Team Book 6)

Secret of Black Rock Mountain (Marie Bartek & The SIPS Team Book 6)

Book summary

Marie and the SIPS team race against time to unravel the mystery behind a young psychic's horrifying visions of burnt bodies and cryptic symbols. With the help of a witch hunter and a priest, they must solve the puzzle before the blood moon rises.

Secret Of Black Rock Mountain is a gripping paranormal mystery.

Excerpt from Secret of Black Rock Mountain (Marie Bartek & The SIPS Team Book 6)

Their partially burnt bodies were covered in blood with their throats cut, while their wrists and ankles were tied with ropes to the Hickory Witness Tree. Their arms, hands, feet, and foreheads bore strange cryptic symbols that had been painstakingly burned into their bones. Hollow, lifeless eyes stared at the sky as if beckoning for mercy.

Katie Roach abruptly woke from the dream and sat upright in her bed. The sweat ran down her back as she gasped for air. The clock read three a.m. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she whispered into the night. "I have to call Marie immediately. I can't handle this vision anymore."


Marie Bartek-Miller felt a shooting pain in her ankles and wrists and absentmindedly began to rub them in her sleep. She lazily squinted her eyes to read the alarm clock and then briskly turned onto her left side and accidentally nudged Bailey's wet snout, which rubbed against Cory Miller's thigh.

"Are you okay? You've been restless all night." Cory carefully turned onto his left side, moved Bailey's head away from his leg, and wiped off the drool with the back of his hand. "What time is it anyway?"

Marie mumbled. "A little after three. Sorry, I had a weird sensation in my wrists and ankles. Plus, I think I'm experiencing someone else's vision."

"What? That doesn't make any sense." Cory waited for a response. "Marie, you awake?" After hearing the tiny whispers of sleep coming from Marie's mouth, he assumed she had fallen back to sleep and decided to try and do the same.

Later that morning, Marie yawned and opened her eyes to the bright sunlight shining through the window. Her alarm clock now read seven-thirty a.m., which was still too early to be awake on her Saturday off from the veterinary clinic. She saw Bailey spy her out of the corner of his eye, but he never moved from his position up against Cory's back. Marie chuckled, shook her head, slithered from the sheets, and made her way to the bathroom.

She rinsed off her face and quickly twisted her long blonde hair into a makeshift ponytail. Her thoughts shifted to her earlier three a.m. disturbance, and she realized some strange psychic events were occurring. The hair stood on the back of her neck as she took a deep breath and spoke to the mirror staring into her green eyes. "Go make some coffee before your head starts to buzz."

The coffee no sooner finished percolating when Marie heard Bailey's large thud to the bedroom floor and the sound of his toenails tapping on the oak floors as he made his way into the kitchen. "Good morning, buddy. I suppose you want to go outside." The chocolate lab wagged his tail and prodded his nose under Marie's elbow. Marie smiled, rubbed his face, kissed him on the head, and opened the screen door as he trotted out onto the deck and into the yard.

After relieving himself on one of the palm trees, he returned up the deck stairs and waited for Marie to open the door. He then darted over to his dog bowl and inhaled his food. "Bailey, slow down. You eat too fast!"

"He needs some exercise. He's starting to get a gut on him." Cory appeared in the kitchen wearing gym shorts and a Sullivan's Island Police Chief T-shirt. He walked over to Marie and kissed her on the cheek. "I didn't hear you get up this morning, and I'm surprised you were up so early after your strange three a.m. wake-up call."

Marie pulled two mugs from the cupboard and poured the hot java. "I wasn't pleased about that. Not sure why I had those weird sensations in my wrists and ankles. They stung as if being tied up, and it reminded me of when I was hung. Being a psychic medium has its disadvantages."

Cory immediately set his coffee mug down and pulled Marie into him. "I don't like when you're reminded of that horrible time."

Marie gave him a soft smile, kissed the tip of his nose, and looked back into his chocolate-brown eyes. "I know you don't. I don't, either. It's the only way I can describe what I felt." Marie poured the creamer into her coffee and swirled the spoon, watching the cream create a toffee color. "Anyway, I suspect the situation will reveal itself soon enough. It usually does."

Cory smiled and grabbed the bagel that had popped up in the toaster. "That's what I'm afraid of. When it actually reveals itself, it tends to get you into a sticky situation."

Marie opened the refrigerator door, grabbed the cream cheese, and handed it to Cory. She took a knife from the drawer and set it on the counter. "Have you ever noticed that we eat many meals like this standing over the counter?"

Cory replied, "You're changing the subject."

"I'll be fine. Now, what is on the agenda for today? I think Gale and Tim wanted to head over to the Charleston Beer Festival. Are you interested?"

Cory realized Marie was finished discussing her vision and knew when to let go of the topic. "Sure, but don't we need to register for that?"

"I think we're still able to get tickets at the entrance. There will be a ton of food there, along with live music, arts, and crafts. I'm glad they changed the date to June instead of March. It seems more like the time of year for a festival." Marie leaned over and wrapped her arms around Cory before he took another bite of his bagel. "Thank you."

Cory kissed the top of her head. "For what?"

"You know very well what. For always understanding me and knowing when to give advice and when not to."

"That's how I roll. Why don't you call Gale and decide when everyone will be ready to head over there. We can pick them up, and I'll be the designated driver." Cory took a sip of coffee and winked at Marie.

"Really? You'd do that for us? Gale is going to be so excited about that." Marie snagged a bite of his bagel and ended up with cream cheese on her upper lip.

Cory shook his head and wiped off the soft cheese with his thumb. "I would imagine she gets excited over a lot of things involving her being able to drink alcohol."

Marie laughed, picked up her cell phone, and approached the door. "Very true. I'll give her a call. In the meantime, can you take Bailey out again? I think it's time for his morning constitution."

Cory nodded, finished the last of his bagel, and patted his thigh, signaling Bailey to head outside. "Come on, boy, let's take our walk, eh?"

Marie smiled at Bailey's wagging tail as Cory hooked his leash. "Enjoy the sunshine. See you when you get back."

Marie entered the living room and flopped into her favorite plush leather chair. She dialed Gale's number and waited for the ringing to stop. When Gale answered, Marie placed it on speaker. "Good morning, girlfriend. How are you? As you can see, I waited until after nine to call you."

Gale Winters was Marie's best friend and very close confidant. She was Marie's yin to her yang with long, dark sable hair, voluptuous lips and breasts, and sass that would put you in your place if you crossed her.

"Good morning, and Tim and I were actually up pretty early today. Are you both coming today to the festival?"

"We are, and get this, Cory has offered to be designated driver." Marie waited for the response.

Gale didn't disappoint as she let out a yell that almost blew out the speaker. "I love that man of yours. We were trying to decide between the two of us who would volunteer, but neither of us was willing to take on the responsibility."

"That's what Cory figured. He doesn't mind. Besides, I didn't want to volunteer either." Marie shifted her legs, tucked them in a cross-legged yoga pose, and set the phone down on the arm of the chair. "I also wanted to tell you another girl signed up for our psychic retreat in August."

"That's great. What is that now, four?"

"Yeah, and we'll keep it at that number. If they bring a parent, that's plenty to stay at Myra's place. Speaking of which, we will have to find someone to paint the windows. They need to be repaired, and we must replace some of the sills. The salty air on Sullivan’s Island takes its toll on our houses."

Gale yawned. "We can get Mr. Thompson. He's great at that kind of thing. He was pretty good friends with Myra, so I think he'd give us a good deal."

Marie saw Cory and Bailey walking around the side of the house. "Great idea. I'll give him a call. Also, I wanted to share a weird experience I had early this morning."

"Another one?"

Marie chuckled. "Yeah, this was odd. I could feel my wrists and ankles burning, almost as if I was tied up. I guess I was thrashing in my sleep because I woke Cory. It felt like I was in somebody else's dream or vision."

"Oh boy, can't wait to see what this is."

"That's sort of what Cory said. When I tried to explain to him how my wrists and ankles felt, I compared it to when I was hung."

"I bet that went over like a lead balloon."

Marie's hands instinctively went to her neck. "It wasn't a fond memory, but I didn't know how else to explain it. Anyway, I quickly changed the subject, and he picked up on the fact that I was trying to change it, and that's how the beer festival conversation came about."

"Maybe he felt guilty, and that's why he volunteered to be our DD."

Marie laughed and then sat up when Cory came into the house. "That's very possible. So, what time do you want us to pick you two up?"

"How about we go over for lunch? We can see where the day leads us."

"Sounds like a plan. See you around eleven thirty." Marie stood up and walked to the kitchen window to watch the waves crashing against the beach.

"Marie, did Myra visit you?"

Marie's heart skipped a beat, and said, "No, she didn't. But I'm sure she'll reveal herself when I need her."

Myra Cummings was a fellow psychic and Marie's mentor and dear friend. She had helped Marie with her abilities and guided her through every process needed to manage all the different skills she had pertaining to being a psychic. Unfortunately, a demon had taken over Myra, and she wasn't strong enough to survive the exorcism. Marie's heart ached every day from the tragic loss.

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