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The Bodyguard And The Heir (The Bodyguard And The Heir Book 1)

The Bodyguard And The Heir (The Bodyguard And The Heir Book 1)

Book summary

Nathan Mason's new role as a bodyguard takes an unexpected turn when he's tasked with protecting Christian Madison, the heir to a pharmaceutical empire. As danger looms, Nathan's professional skills are put to the test, but it's his growing affection for Christian that poses the greatest risk.

THE BODYGUARD AND THE HEIR is a romantic thriller that blends action with emotional intensity.

Excerpt from The Bodyguard And The Heir (The Bodyguard And The Heir Book 1)

When the first explosion rattled the building, he knew what that meant. The gates at the entrance had been blown open, bent metal scattered and laid flat like a carpet to welcome two black Hummers that now descended onto the property. Men carrying automatic assault rifles followed. His only concern was to reach Christian before the intruders did. He knew the intruders well, having known them long before they rushed the metal gates and over the walls of the master’s property and began killing his men, leaving bodies along the outer gardens of the great mansion.

His own security team scattered like thrown decks of cards all over the corridors. Trained well, they did their best, but they couldn’t hold back the advancing men wearing black suits with red ties; their distinctive apparel.

Nathan led his team away, hoping to buy some time. He needed to secure Christian and get him into the waiting vehicle that would take him to the designated safe house. Those were the rules; that was the set plan he had to follow. If Nathan didn’t get to him, he hated to think what would happen. This is what they had been trained to do. This is what they were paid for.

“Secure the heir; get him away safely…” the director of the security team drilled this into them every day.

“Always be prepared for anything…”

Nathan was recruited for his military knowledge and training, and that was one of the reasons he was placed in charge.

“Don’t make me regret putting you in command,” the director had said to him. He furrowed his brow. He hated being drilled when he knew the role well.


“Keep them at bay long enough so I can secure the heir,” Nathan said to his men. The security team was the best; not just because they had been handpicked by him, but because they had the experience required to protect their charge. Their job was to defend the heir, and that was their only task. They had to be the best; military soldiers devoted to the craft, skilled in engaging with hostiles. They trained every day, from the crack of dawn, running the track, preparing at the shooting range. They were trained to anticipate anything. They were the best of the best.

Nathan hurried up the staircase and ran down the long corridor. The home was beautifully decorated, with sculptures and paintings by famous painters. A few pricey rugs lined the corridor. The place looked like a museum in some areas, with decorative patterns carved along the frames of doorways and walls. The home reminded him of a royal palace, too big of a building for the young master to be roaming alone. It certainly had quite a lonely atmosphere.

The mansion was large, and had over 50 rooms. To say this place was huge was an understatement.

Christian’s room was at the end of the hall, where a single large window overlooked the back of the property, overlooking a white stable which housed the master’s four beautiful horses.

The scent of oil paint greeted his nose when he opened the door and entered the master’s bedroom. The room was filled with artwork, paintings hung from the walls, drawings in pencil and color markers, and watercolors displayed upon easels and art tables. A large bookshelf filled with a variety of books lined one wall of the large room, beside it was a small seating area designed for the leisure of reading in peace. In front of him, at the far end, was a balcony with white linen curtains cascading down the frame to the floor. He had often seen them open, on windy days, blowing a breeze into the quiet space to bring in the scent of fresh garden flowers along with it.

Nathan stared toward the bed, the satin sheets and cushion quilts reminded him of his moments upon them when he was requested to remain. The thought now made him blush. He moved over, almost drawn by the memories of his time here when he caught sight of him seated on the floor near the bed table. He looked frightened. Nathan lowered his gun, placing it into the holster as he approached the bedside.

“Christian?” The young man immediately looked up, his eyes widening at the call of his name. When he spotted Nathan, he immediately rose and rushed to his side.

Christian at once wrapped his arms around him. It caught Nathan off guard. It delighted him that the young man was safe.

Christian trembled in his arms, and Nathan held him tightly, hoping to calm the other man. From somewhere in the mansion, the chaos continued, Christian gripping onto him tighter at the sound of explosions and gunfire.

“I feared the worst,” the young man uttered. Nathan held him, never wanting to let him go. He knew it was wrong to adore the one he was meant to guard and protect. And that such feelings could cloud his judgment. But he could no longer help how he felt for the young man.

“I’m so scared, Nath… what if they get close this time? What if…” They had attempted before, but they had not succeeded.

“Listen to me, Christian, I’m not gonna let anything happen to you.” The young man’s lips brushed across his neck. Nathan pushed him away, slowly lifting Christian’s chin. Their eyes met and, for a brief moment, he resisted the kiss that lingered between them. He couldn’t let his feelings cloud his mind. He had to stay on task, and that was getting Christian to the safe-house, or at least the vehicle awaiting him by the east wing.

“We have to get you to safety,” he forced himself to say instead. “The vehicle is waiting by the east wing of the house. I want you to stay close behind me. Don’t move unless I tell you to.”

Christian nodded.

Nathan lifted the cold steel of his gun into his hand again, and moved to the door. Christian followed very closely. He opened the door and moved into the hallway, the sounds of chaos echoed loudly throughout the mansion’s interior and down the long hall.

“Are we going to make it? I don’t want to lose you, Nath. I can’t deal with being alone… I won’t.”

“Don’t talk like that… nothing is going to happen. We will get out of this. Trust me.”

Christian nodded with difficulty and a smile rewarded Nathan.

“You trust me?” Nathan asked.

He knew Christian had no one else. His father, Arthur, was always away on business and, when he was around, it was as if Christian didn’t exist. His father had many enemies; he was a very powerful man. Nathan had been hired to protect Christian.

During the first weeks at his job, that’s what he tried to do. But Christian tried to befriend him the first time they met. He could see the young man was lonely. But he had been hired to protect him; not to be his friend.

“Why are you so serious?” The young man had asked him, while he was standing nearby on watch. Christian had been seated outside, painting. He had been friendly, trying to engage Nathan in conversation for days.

Nathan was trained to never take his eyes off what was at stake. Never get distracted from what he had to do. And, most importantly, never get involved or close to the subject. Speaking to anyone, especially the subject, was prohibited. Never get too close was a rule in his line of work. Get too close, and you’ll get burned.

“I just want to be friends. You don’t have to be so serious around me.”

Nathan had stared over at the young man, then coldly replied, “Your father doesn’t pay me to be your friend.”

Nathan knew that was a horrible thing to say. He knew that now, but at the time, it was the only thing to say. Then it had only been a job; now it had become something far more, and it made him blush to think of his moments alone with Christian.

Things had changed with time, and he had fallen in love with Christian. Finding him in pain and lonely, Nathan had tried to comfort him; a bad thing to do in his line of work. He was there to protect, not make friends. Others in his field would tell him it was dangerous to get involved with the protected. But that logic had failed him long ago.


“Will you keep me company?” Christian had asked him one evening when he had been lonely. All he needed was a friend. A part of him fought with the strict and disciplinary part of himself. But there was a softer side to Nathan and that wall almost immediately came down. As he took a seat by Christian’s bedside, the young man began to read to him. That was the beginning of their relationship, if one could call it that. He was his protector. But now he was in love with him…

Liam (The Bodyguard And The Heir Book 2)

Liam (The Bodyguard And The Heir Book 2)

The Beautiful Ones

The Beautiful Ones