The Perils Of The Jungle (Jasper - Amazon Parrot Book 3)
Book summary
In the heart of the Amazon jungle, Jasper and his family revel in their vibrant world, filled with adventures and the promise of Piper learning to fly. Brothers Jasper and Willie navigate the colorful, sensory-rich environment with their friends, forging bonds that prove crucial when strange creatures become both allies and threats. Amidst ongoing challenges, an unforeseen event looms, threatening to upend their lives in unimaginable ways.
Excerpt from The Perils Of The Jungle (Jasper - Amazon Parrot Book 3)
“Jasper? Jasper?” Willie, the young Amazon parrot, called out.
Where is he? Willie thought.
He and his brother were playing hide and seek, and it was his turn to find Jasper. Willie wasn’t having any luck. He checked all the usual places, as well as their favorite watering spot. No Jasper. He searched the trees surrounding the nest. No Jasper. It didn’t matter where Willie looked. It was always the same. No Jasper.
Willie doubted his brother would go to the edge of the jungle where the humans lived. Jasper knew they made Willie nervous. He didn’t like anything he was unfamiliar with. Jasper and their friend, Charlie, often made it to the edge where the humans had been. Willie, on the other hand, would stay near a tree, allowing him to see everything.
He didn’t want to give up trying to find his brother. If he could just win the game once today. Jasper had won the last two times. Willie was tired of losing.
Think, Willie, think.
Willie stopped flying and landed on a branch.
The voice came from between the leaves in the tree next to Willie. The leaves rustled. A spider monkey soon came into view. It wasn’t just any spider monkey. It was their friend, Charlie.
“Hi, Charlie.”
“Hi, Willie. What are you up to today?”
“Jasper and I are playing hide and seek, but I’m not having any luck,” Willie answered.
“Have you looked by the watering spot?”
“Yes, but I didn’t see him there,” Willie answered.
“I know where Jasper is hiding.”
“You do?” Willie asked.
Charlie nodded. “Want me to tell you?”
“Isn’t that cheating?”
“Kind of, I guess,” Charlie replied. “Have you won today?”
“No, not yet.”
Willie looked at Charlie, and thought and thought. ‘‘Maybe a little hint would be okay.”
Charlie grinned. “Maybe check the watering spot again.”
“I didn’t see him there.”
“You might want to try again.” Charlie smiled.
“Thanks, Charlie.”
“No problem. Mind if I come along?” Charlie asked.
“Sure, just no more help, OK?”
Charlie swung through the branches, moving in the direction of the watering spot the boys visited often.
Willie wasn’t far behind. He landed on a low branch. There was no sign of Jasper. He glanced at Charlie, who landed nearby.
The monkey pointed to the ground.
Willie flew to the ground and looked around. Nothing had changed since he’d been there earlier. Then, he heard a low rumbling sound.
“I didn’t hear that before,” Willie said.
It sounded like someone was snoring. The sound came from the rotten log nearby.
“I looked there before, Charlie. It was empty.”
“It’s not empty now,” Charlie said.
Willie walked over to it. Maybe it was their friend, George, the sloth.
“Go on. It’s okay,” Charlie prodded.
He reached the end of the log. If one looked at it carefully, it was slowly vibrating as the noise intensified. Peeking inside, Willie found Jasper, sound asleep, his head under a wing, snoring up a storm. He giggled. Finally, he had Jasper right where he wanted him. He would win this time at hide and seek.
“Jasper?” Willie said softly. He didn’t want to startle his brother and cause him to jump and bump his head.
“Jasper?” Willie prodded in a louder voice. Still nothing. He looked at Charlie. “He’s really out.”
“I almost woke him up when I found him earlier, but I didn’t have the heart to do it. He looked so comfy.”
“That was nice of you. I need to tag him when he is awake, though. Finally, I will get a win for today.”
Charlie nodded.
“We can rock the log a bit. Maybe it will stir him awake,” Willie said.
“Sounds like a plan. Let’s do it.”
The two friends stood next to the log and pushed it slightly back and forth. They continued to rock the log for several minutes.
“What the…?” came from inside the log. Then, “Hey, stop that!”
Charlie and Willie stopped rocking the log.
Willie peeked inside.
“Hi, Jasper,” Charlie said.
“Hi, Jasper,” Willie said, and backed away.
A sound of movement came from within the log before Jasper made his appearance. The rocking of the log rustled the leaves beneath it.
“So, it’s you two,” Jasper said. He took his time and spread each of his wings. With a complete shake of his body, Jasper finished stretching and looked at Willie and Charlie. “That felt good.”
“The stretch, or the nap?” Charlie asked.
The three of them laughed.
“Both, actually,” Jasper replied.
“Jasper, how long have you been hiding in the log? Or should I say, sleeping?” Willie asked.
“I’m not sure. I was behind the bushes when you first checked it out. After you left, I figured it would be a great spot to hide. I didn’t think you would check again.”
“I had some help,” Willie said.
Jasper looked at Charlie.
“You gave yourself away,” the monkey said.
“I did? How?”
“I was swinging by when I heard a low rumble. I checked inside the log and found you sound asleep.”
Jasper nodded. “I started yawning. I thought I would just rest my eyes. Next thing I know, I’m rocked awake.”
Willie reached over to Jasper and touched his wing. “Jasper?”
“Tag, you’re it.”
Jasper grinned. “You got me. Well, we’ve been out a while. It’s time for lunch. Let’s go home.”
“Want to come over, Charlie?” Willie asked.
“Thanks for the offer, but I need to watch some of the young kids while the adults scout a place to live. Tell your mom hi, please.”
“We will. Tell your mom hi, too,” Jasper said.
The friends grinned and parted.
“Williams creates memorable characters who are excellent animals for children to identify with... from a sloth to monkeys, and a frog to a jaguar... the parrots meet friends and foes in this helpful chapter book”
“Life lessons continued on, friendships remained firm. The book showed how families and friends ought to help each other. The author was brilliant in driving home a few important facts of life. So important for our kids to learn”
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