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The Rescue - Lillian Haugland

The Rescue - Lillian Haugland


The Rescue by Lillian Haugland

Book excerpt

From the eyes of a bleeding child

Always prepared

she never lived at the “moment”

she collected her treasures and put them

under the bed during the weekends.

From the eyes of a child, she never

saw magic in everything,

she pulled the blankets up over her head,

another night

no escape

at sunrise she felt no relief,

dirty and full of shame…

A casket with razor blades and needles

Made her do the unthinkable,

she felt the pool of blood.

She wept her tears into her teddy bear…

She always draws her tears from her heart and

tried to tell her soul to be ok.

Her crystal soul crackling into her breaking mess,

and they don`t saw the blood that has

dried from the eyes of a little girl,

and this is how the story begins from the eyes of a bleeding eyes.

I still have a voice

It's dark and cold

in the shadows in my own soul

I can`t find the presence in the warm

glow of a candlelight

eliminates ways of life to live bright

since you crushed my heart

her faithful friend is a teddy bear

she gazes out into the darkness

can`t escape from the evil behind the mask

the rays from the withe moon as decorations

masking the sadness

memories bring back the tragic

arc of my earthly journey

fear of tomorrow builds an

armour around my soul

my screams are dark and hollow with a

sob and a cry

all the hurt and the pain the little girl carry

caught in chains

don`t whisper my name

I still have a voice.


Fear through glistening stars playing hide & seek in the darkness

Roars deep within her soul a thunderous deal of the devil’s rage

Angels fighting inside her pounding heartbeats with the mystique from the broken dreams

Ghostly they whirled around to find peace in a wrecked country girl

Immersed with purple velvet in a coffin of crystal tears from a fallen warrior

Lying in the shade of her rose thorns of demons

Emotions running wild in her veins like dark arrows pierce her mind.

Old fears from her heart beats

are lurking beneath

a shallow shadow from her past.

A war within her soul.

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