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Holiday Shivers - Clark Roberts


A Horror Book Series For Kids

Holiday Shivers by Clark Roberts

Series Excerpt

“Who is that?” Rebecca cried out from the back seat. She’d been quiet since climbing into the Franken-cart. She pointed at the man that I’d already noticed. “Who is that crazy-looking guy?”

Now everyone turned their heads.

“Hiya, kids!” The man jumped from the shadows and yelled out as we zipped past him.

I screamed. So did my sister and so did Rebecca.

He’d appeared hunchbacked because he was actually slumped over a large push broom and sweeping dirt off the pavement. The man was dressed in gray coveralls. He was smiling, but I don’t know, though. It was more of a grin, an evil grin, and his eyes were pinched into slits as if he was thinking of some devious plan.

Ricky yelled back, “Hello, whoever you are!”

Ricky might have been the youngest, but he sure was proving to be one of the bravest.

“He’s just one of your uncle’s workers,” Miss Penny laughed. “He helps keep the grounds clean and fixes up the rides when they break down. Maybe we shouldn’t talk about scary characters like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. You guys seem a bit frightened.”

I turned in my seat to look at the man as he faded in the distance.

“Don’t you worry about Mr. Fright,” Miss Penny continued. “We’ll be seeing him around as we go on rides tonight, but his name really is the scariest thing about him.”

“Mr. Fright!” Ricky exclaimed. “What a totally cool name!”

I certainly wasn’t thinking it was very cool.

Things got pretty quiet. I’d bet Jenny and Rebecca were experiencing the same nervous silence I was. I’d also bet that Ricky was silent with eager anticipation.

Soon, we reached the end of Monster Island’s theme park. Miss Penny steered the Franken-cart onto a dirt path that wound into a forest. The trees huddled close to the path, and the shadows darkened the world.

There could be anyone hiding in these woods, I thought. There could be anyone or anything.

Again, I felt the Michigan autumn chill.

“Your Uncle Victor built his house about a half-mile from the park,” Miss Penny said. “I guess it’s more of a mansion than a house. I better radio him to let him know we are almost there.”


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