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Jasper - Amazon Parrot - Sharon C. Williams

A Rainforest Adventure Book Series For Kids

Jasper - Amazon Parrot by Sharon C. Williams

Series excerpt

Today was THE DAY. Today, Jasper and his brother would learn how to fly.


Jasper tapped his brother awake. “Wake up. Wake up. It’s time, Willie. It’s time!”

A few days ago, their mama had told them that since they were fully fledged they could start practicing their flying. Fledging was just a fancy way to say that all of their feathers had grown out and that they were growing up.

Willie peeked out of the tree, saw how far down it was, and gulped. It was far. Really, really far.

“We’re ready, Mama,” Jasper said, not even waiting for Willie.

“Are you sure?” she asked with a smile.

He and Willie nodded, making their way toward the nest’s opening.

Oh, boy!

Before either boy could change his mind, Mama tossed them out into the air. The two of them free-fell toward the ground.

From above, they both heard, “Flap your wings fast.”

Jasper stretched his tiny wings out and flapped them for dear life.

Willie did the same.

No matter how hard they tried, they were still heading straight for the ground.

Here we go again, Jasper thought.

The young birds panicked. They closed their eyes and plopped on the floor of the jungle. The leaves and underbrush broke their fall, so neither of them were hurt.


The sounds and smells were different from what they were used to within the tree, but there was also a slight familiarity to it from the previous fall.

I can’t see the sky from here, Jasper thought.

Without any warning, a brown creature with a long tail and long arms appeared.

Willie ran behind Jasper and peeked around him with only his face showing.

“What is that?” he asked.

“How am I supposed to know?”

Jasper was so surprised that he wanted to ask who the creature was. Instead, when he opened his mouth, the only thing that came out was, “What are you?”

The creature laughed. “I’m a spider monkey, and my name is Charlie.” Charlie drew closer to them and held out his hands for a handshake. “Who are you?” he asked.

“My name is Jasper, and this is my brother, Willie. We are Amazon parrots and we live high above in the trees.”

“You came from way up there?” Charlie wondered, and looked up. “Wow. I’ve never had anyone drop in on me before from that high up. Awesome! So, what are you doing down here if you’re from all the way up there?”

“We’re learning to fly. Today was our first try,” Jasper said.

He didn’t want to mention the first failed attempt. He was too embarrassed.

Charlie chuckled. “You might want to try again.

That’s when it hit Jasper. How are we supposed to get back up to the nest? This needing to be saved thing is getting old. Don’t panic. Mama knows where we are, I hope.

From above, they all heard a ruffle as their mama flew down beside them.

Gently, she picked Willie up and flew high into the sky. Before Jasper had a chance to complain, she returned and scooped him up, flying higher and higher to get back home.

Jasper knew better than to complain about not being picked up first. But it would be nice if she picked me up before Willie.

Once they were back home, Mama asked if they wanted to try again.

Both of them declined.

“You’re sure? Practice, practice, and more practice is the best way to learn,” she said.

“I landed on my butt. Do you know how much that hurts?” Willie fussed, rubbing his butt.

Jasper laughed at that. Poor, Willie. If something like that bothered him, he needed all the help he could get from him and his mama. It was going to take time for him and his brother to learn how to fly.

He and Willie settled in to take their nap. There would be plenty of time for flying later.


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