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Rodrigo Leye

Rodrigo Leye

Rodrigo Leye


A love for languages, for books and for making knowledge available to everyone Ever since I learned to read, I have had a true passion for books - all sorts of books, from fiction to non-fiction, from thrillers to get-things-done - and have been an avid reader. And being raised almost as a bilingual person has given me the opportunity to help make knowledge available to more people through my translation skills. I truly believe that this mix of passion for books and love for languages is certainly vital to help authors reach a broader audience. The Brazilian Portuguese market is huge - Brazil has more than 200 million people - many of them love books but are unable to read in English. This means that translating your books into Brazilian Portuguese opens up an enormous market, with more sales and more faithful readers/fans.

Translated books

Coming soon

Alina Rocío Tissera

Alina Rocío Tissera

Jose Vasquez

Jose Vasquez