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F.B. Robinson

F.B. Robinson

Author F.B. Robinson



F.B Robinson (Frank) is a native of western North Carolina. Even as a boy, he was fascinated with books featuring mystery and suspense, and spent many hours devouring countless works of this genre. Earning a degree in psychology from Appalachian State University, his literary interests expanded into books containing characters with complex, and sometimes dark backgrounds.

Always wary of characters of one dimension, Robinson’s characters are complex, with back stories that allow the reader to gain some perspective of how they are portrayed on the page. He holds a strong belief that his stories must be relatable. While a few characters may appear larger than life, he makes a concerted effort to make sure they never stray past the borders of believability.

On the personal side, F. B. Robinson enjoys most all things outdoors, music of many genres, and fine hand-built acoustic guitars. For the past twenty years he has been a student of Shorin Ryu Kensankai Karate and Kobudo and has achieved the rank of yondan (4th degree black belt). He hopes to study for many years to come.

With his wife and soulmate, Nancy, F. B. Robinson lives near Brevard, North Carolina in a home where he watches the sun set over the Blue Ridge Mountains.

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