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H. Berkeley Rourke

H. Berkeley Rourke

Author H. Berkeley Rourke


Berk Rourke was born in Douglas, Arizona on August 28, 1938. His careers were in teaching 8th and 9th grade students initially and then as an attorney for a total of some 40 years. He began writing as a cathartic exercise and enjoyed it so much that he continued with multiple efforts now being published for the first time. His life has known very few limits and his writing in at least two genres now has not known limits yet. Give it a look.

Interviews & media

Sahara Foley's blog



Newton Ramsey - Shootist

The Hendershot Series

A Tall Man Rides

A Running Man

Revenge For Janie

Josie DuPuy Series

Third Time, Not A Charm

Miller’s Outbreak / Four Josie D

Josie DuPuy, A Life Story

Bombs Away, Phoenix

Dick Rosano

Dick Rosano

Joseph E. Green

Joseph E. Green