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Helen T. Norwood

Helen T. Norwood

Author Helen T. Norwood


Helen grew up with three siblings in Nuneaton, in Warwickshire in the UK. She was a bookworm from an early age, her favourite author being Enid Blyton, which means she was regularly lost in worlds that involved the Famous Five, Secret Seven, glamorous boarding schools and the drinking of ginger beer. Immersing herself in worlds that other authors had created seemed to naturally lead her into creating her own.

She maintained a love of English Literature throughout her education (it being the favourite of her subjects at college). Writing has always been a constant in Helen’s life and eventually she began to submit pieces for publication. She had a few poems and articles published online before finishing her first novel, ‘Nature of the Witch.’

‘Nature of the Witch’ is a fantasy story set in Cornwall, England. It has two main characters, Jack and Kiera, and is a story about the return of magic, after a two hundred year absence. Kiera is to become the first witch the world has seen for a long time, and Jack is tasked with trying to protect her. The story sees them struggling with their destinies- and each other- as they attempt to forge their paths. The problem is that it is not just witchcraft that has returned, so has an evil that destroyed magic many years ago and is back to finish the job.

Helen is married with two children (and expecting her third) to keep her busy. She works part-time for a high street bank, and has done so for several years, in different roles. She says there is something therapeutic in the balancing of books and tills, and although unable to apply any of this experience to a story about witchcraft, hopes to one day write a story that makes the world of banking seem a little bit more exciting.

When not at work, or writing, Helen spends time chasing after her two small children. She hopes to one day class herself as an expert in the art of nappy changes, toddler tantrums and bedtime cuddles.

Helen now lives in a town in Leicestershire, and loves walking in the local countryside. With history on her doorstep (the battle of Bosworth took place just down the road) it would be rude not to have an interest in history and Helen loves learning new things about the past. She has a love for health and wellbeing, and has done some studying in that area.

​Helen is currently working on the sequel to ‘Nature of the Witch.’

Resources & Media

Emma The Little Bookworm
Beyond The Veil
Wrong Side of Forty
This Is My Truth Now


Nature Of The Witch Series

Nature of the Witch

Blood Of The Witch

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Brian L. Porter

Thomas Quinn Miller

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