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Thomas Quinn Miller

Thomas Quinn Miller

Author Thomas Quinn Miller


Thomas grew up in a small rural town in Illinois similar to so many other historic towns spaced along the first three hundred miles of Route 66’s journey from Chicago to L.A.. It was a time that brings back memories of main street parades and little league.

Like so many other children of the eighties, Thomas discovered Dungeons and Dragons at a young age. He lost his head to a zombie in his first session and his youth to weekends rolling dice and enjoying heroic fantasy adventures in his friend’s basement. He eventually started running the games and creating the stories. He was most happy when creating those stories.

It was during that time he was given his first full novel to read, Dune, by Frank Herbert. That was the spark that ignited his passion for reading. It was the popular fantasy Dragonlance novels by Tracy Hickman and Margaret Weis which cemented his love of fantasy.

He grew up devouring those heroic tales of swords and sorcery and like so many others, always wanted to share his own stories.

It wasn’t until he heard about the National Novel Writing Month that he finally found the catalyst he needed to write. He drew inspiration from one of the worlds he created for a tabletop roleplaying game.

After one month of hard-core, soul-searching, sleep-deprived writing he had his story on paper. He also came to the realization it needed work.

He had a lot to learn about writing. His degree was in computer science and not creative writing. He began learning how to write. Some sources he used included the “Elements of Fiction Writing” series by Writer’s Digest Books and “Self-Editing for Fiction Writers” by Renni Brown & Dave King. It was well over a year later, and way too many drafts to recall, before his first novel, Cradle of the Gods, was ready for public consumption. His next novel in the series, Time of the Stonechosen, eventually followed and he is not going to stop there.

Thomas is an avid reader of fantasy, science fiction, and historical fiction.  He is a regular tourist in the worlds of Frank Herbert, R. A. Salvatore, George R.R. Martin, Terry Pratchett, George Lucas, and Morgan Llywelyn.

He feels if even one person finds themselves up past midnight to finish one his stories and ready for more, it will all have been worth it.

Thomas currently resides with his wife and children in lovely North Yorkshire, England.

In The Blog

Best Sword And Sorcery Books

Best Epic Fantasy Books

Interviews & media

Thomas Quinn Miller's website



The Soulstone Prophecy Series

Cradle of the Gods

Time of the Stonechosen

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