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J.K. Proctor

Author biography

J.K. Proctor is British, originally from the Lake District. After living and working in London, she now resides in the French Alps under the gaze of Mont Blanc, the inspiration for her debut novel, Hemadri Nadi - A Glacier Too Far. Jane's writing, whilst light on the surface, carries a dark undertone, with a liberal use of satire and irreverence. When not putting down her own ideas on 'paper', Jane works as a French to English translator. Otherwise, she can be found letting off steam outdoors, cycling, swimming or running in the mountains. At a slower pace, she works with publishers to provide updated copy for their long-distant walking guides.

Hemadri Nadi - A Glacier Too Far is the author's debut novel. She intends to write many more; her family says she needs to find an outlet for ‘Jane’s theories’ as they are all sick of hearing them!


Hemadri Nadi - A Glacier Too Far

Brian Cotton

Cathy L. Patrenos

Cathy L. Patrenos