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Mark Anthony Waters

Mark Anthony Waters

Author Mark Anthony Waters


I was born and raised in Fort Worth and attended school there from the first grade and into college. My work experience started in banking and then furthered my career and education.

In the Dallas/Fort Worth area, I owned and operated an adolescent out-patient treatment program serving the needs of drug and alcohol dependent kids and served as a board member for a local community theater and a food bank network in West Texas.

I have been an active member of various civic organizations including Rotary International and a current member of the Rockport Writers Group, the Rockport/Fulton Chamber of Commerce and current VP of Keep Aransas County Beautiful. I also ran for public office recently as a candidate for Justice of the Peace for Aransas County, Texas. I was narrowly defeated by the incumbent. 

One of the titles I have been working on for years is almost complete. It is a story of a sleepy little coastal town in South Texas; Port Summerville. I began writing Port Summerville long before we moved to Rockport, and the two are eerily familiar, though I never had intimate knowledge of Rockport and its antics except for those times we visited on vacation. After moving here in 2009, and spending a few years in Rockport, I added a brief description of the book. 

“A town full of mystery and intrigue. Corrupt politicians. An out-of-control police force. A wealthy family who controls everything. Criminal merchants, drug trafficking and violence. Other than that, a pretty nice place to visit.”

I also added this as the first line in the first chapter.

“This is a fiction, but most of it is true.”

Before relocating to Rockport, Texas, writing became my new career and hadn't regretted a single minute. I love to write! I’m asked all the time what genre I like to use. Answer? I’m all over the place. I don’t plan on having a “series” of anything at the moment, I just want the original piece to stand on its own without a follow-up. So far, I have at least four other projects in the works and two published novels. Released in 2016, and one that I was especially excited about was “Suicide by Death.” It is hard to put into words how you would take a serious topic like this and approach it with humor and wit but maintained a level of respect to those impacted by such a tragedy. 

Suicide by Death is a novel ‘based on true events.’ It tells a story of a woman victimized by childhood sexual and emotional abuse, and as an adult medicates herself with alcohol and tries to deal with the demons that have haunted her. Her fascination with suicide and multiple attempts to end her life is an obsession. Her boyfriend had similar issues as a child. Both characters are based on the experience that my wife, Beth and I went through as children, the rest of the story I developed the characters to complete the fictional parts of the book.

Next on the list is “Right Heart, Wrong Love.” It is a love story of sorts and is still in the works.  "Three Days in Heaven" has been on the market for nearly four years and is doing great. Three Days in Heaven is the story of a man who “dies” and goes to Heaven for three days. Tony, the main character, is loosely based on my life as a heart patient. A few years ago, I had emergency open-heart surgery. I never had a heart attack, and it was a fluke the doctors found the problem in time. In the words of my surgeon, “Without this surgery, you would have dropped dead in days.” A couple of years after the surgery, I had a health scare and thought I might really be having a heart-attack. It was a false alarm, but it was that experience that led to the book. The thought of the book literally came to me as I walked out of the emergency room.

I have been married to my wife of almost forty years, Beth. Together we have three grown children, two daughters in law, a grandchild, one dog and one cat. 


Suicide By Death

​Three Days In Heaven

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David P. Warren

Kathryn Rossati (Kathryn Wells)

Kathryn Rossati (Kathryn Wells)