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Oz Mari G.

Oz Mari G.

Author Oz Mari G.


Born south of Manila, in the province known for butterfly knives, strong coffee and feisty people. Raised in a mixed background of agriculture and industry, her childhood was a combination of rural and urban.

By three, she had acquired an incurable reading habit, ranging from fiction to scientific journals, business to fairy tales, biographies to romance, comedies to horror. She grew up listening to her grandfather’s stories of myths, legends and fantastical creatures. She collected fairy tales, wrote poetry and short stories, and developed a natural affinity for herbs, spices and trees.

As a child, she was a woodland spirit with the power to absorb energy from the sun, earth and water. As a teenager, she had to resort to writing tearful poetry to balance her otherwise happy social life.

She became a serial entrepreneur, proud Sales and Marketing professional in her adulthood, but remained a story teller to her core. Her field covered Travel, Hotel, Restaurant and Bar, Health and Wellness, and Real Estate industry, including property technology.

Her current day job involved the facilitation of funding and/or investments for various big development projects (minimum USD 10Million) in the region. These cover both public infrastructure and private construction projects that span various industries like telecommunication, power, and real estate.

Published two business books under her name, Grace Barbara Granlund. The 2020 quarantine showed her what made her heart sing, so she stopped dilly-dallying and answered her calling to become a writer. Now responds to Oz Mari G., her pen name for her fiction series.


World Of The Viscerebus Series

The Keeper

Dawn Of The Dual Apex

Rise Of The Viscerebus

The Katalonan Chronicles

Dark Allies, Dark Adversaries

The Lair of Shadows and Light

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