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Rachel Bross

Rachel Bross

Author biography

My name is Rachel Bross. I am a mother and a wife. I enjoy writing, reading, sewing, painting, and singing. At the moment, I am occupied with my job, my children, and my writing. This is my first journey into the world of published authors. However, I have had a good experience so far. Writing is something I am passionate about. I have written the second installment of the Strange Glow series and part of the third, along with other stories that are not finished yet. Stories have always been a significant part of my life since I learned to read when I was four years old. The first big book that truly introduced me to the world of reading was "Frankenstein" when I was twelve. It was the first book I read that was over fifty pages, and I finished it in one evening. From that night on, books and stories became a part of who I am. However, I didn't start writing until my second year of high school. I began with poetry but found myself more suited for fiction when I won second place in the Delta Youth Writing Contest sponsored by Morgan Freeman. I hope that those of you who read my work will be inspired and take the leap into the world of stories and books, just like I did.


Death Invites In Gold

The Family

Strange Glow Collective Book Serries

The Moon

H.G. Sansostri

Mike Pearson

Mike Pearson